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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bro_act remove manually


Bro_act.exe is either virus or trojan that collects your information and will transfer it to a server.
It is currently undetectable by any anti-virus software on press time...

basically, it will spread through thumb drive and through LAN.

How do u know either u get infected? (check through thumb drive.)

right click your thumb drive in My Computer and if you see bolded "Auto", do not click it. Instead you click explore.
Go to tools->folder options. Click view and check advanced settings.
Click"show hidden files and folders" and untick "hide protected operatingsystem files. (Recommended)". You might see a warning window but justleave it. Click ok.
If you were to see a filename calledbro_act.exe, that is the excutables that will affect your PC when youdouble click your thumb drive or right click and click the bolded"auto".

How do u know either u get infected? (check through PC)
Go to tools->folder options. Click view and check advanced settings.
Click"show hidden files and folders" and untick "hide protected operatingsystem files. (Recommended)". You might see a warning window but justleave it. Click ok.
Go to your local hard disk eg. c:
Go to WINDOWS\system32\(your PC's name)\
look for system.exe
if it's there, means your PC is infected.

How to clean the virus? (infected thumb drive)

Make sure--> Go to tools->folder options. Click view and check advanced settings.
Click"show hidden files and folders" and untick "hide protected operatingsystem files. (Recommended)". You might see a warning window but justleave it. Click ok.
1. start Windows Task Manager, click process.
2. Look for bro_act.exe and end the process.
3. Now right click your thumb drive and click explore.
4. Find these filenames, bro_act.exe, autorun.inf
5. Shift + Delete and delete the file.
6.Now... Go to tools->folder options. Click view and check advancedsettings. Untick "hide extensions for known file types". Click ok.
7.Click Search, "All files and folders", put a word or phrase in the file"exe", Change the what file is it criteria to "less than 1 mb", changemore advanced option criteria to search for system folders and searchhidden files and folders.
8. Click search.
9. Delete every single "exe" that contains the name exactly like your folder. and delete the similar icon exe.
10. Now your thumb drive is clean.

How to clean the virus? (infected PC)

Make sure-> Go to tools -> folder options. Click view and check advanced settings.
Click"show hidden files and folders" and untick "hide protected operating system files. (Recommended)". You might see a warning window but justleave it. Click ok.
1. download this file:--> http://download.sysinternals.com/Files/Autoruns.zip
2. unzip it and open autoruns.exe
3. Click logon and wait it loads finish.
4. look for this filename, bro_act.exe
5. untick it and restart your PC in safe mode. Hold F8 when you reboot again to access boot menu. click safe mode.
6. Login and look for c:\Windows\system32\bro_act.exe
7. delete the file. and look for c:\Windows\system32\(Your PC's name)\system.exe
8. Delete that file also.
9. Remember to disable and re-enable your System Restore.
10. Delete everything in the Recycle Bin too.

Why scan with any anti-virus and get no results?
This virus is undetectable by anti-virus and it's new virus which had not been in Anti-Virus softwares "Virus Encyclopedias".

by >mloudness@yahoo.com<

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